Date updated: December 2020
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Registration on the Homeluberon.com site as a MEMBER assumes that its author has read and accepted these general conditions of service.
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HOME LUBERON reserves the right to refuse or remove any MEMBER who contravenes these general conditions of service as well as applicable laws and regulations.
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HOME LUBERON may modify these General Conditions of Services at any time by publishing an updated version on this web page. You have the possibility to consult the most recent General Conditions of Services at any time, on this same page.
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The Homeluberon.com site is a showcase with the aim of connecting owners in the Luberon region (hereinafter "the Owners") of houses with character, (hereinafter "the Goods")
and on the other hand providers, professionals or individuals, for the provision of services (hereinafter "the Service Providers"), related to property management, personal service and real estate.
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The Owner or the Service Provider (hereinafter “the User”), by accessing the site and using the services reserved for MEMBERS, declares to have read these General Conditions of Services and expressly accept them without reservation; he accepts that the said General Conditions of Service may be subsequently modified. These General Conditions are fully enforceable against any User, natural person or legal person.
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As part of the “Seasonal Rental Management” services provided by HOME LUBERON, the Owner is informed and accepts that in order to allow him to benefit from an extended distribution of his advertisement, HOME LUBERON may publish the information or the content of his advertisement. announcement, or publish its announcement itself on the site of third parties such as Abritel, Home Away, AirBnB, Leboncoin,…. If the Owner wishes to limit the publication of his advertisement to the sites of his choice, he must expressly indicate this in writing to HOME LUBERON.
Any Owner wishing to make an advertisement appear must be able to justify his capacity as owner or exclusive beneficiary of the real estate presented for seasonal rental.
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In the event of joint ownership, dismemberment of co-ownership or timeshare (enjoyment of a time-share building), the Owner must have obtained the approval of all the co-owners, usufructuaries and bare owners or other multi-owners and , more generally, of any person likely to claim the existence of any real property right on the goods.
In the event that the Property depends on a building subject to the status of co-ownership of built buildings or a subdivision, the Owner must have obtained all the necessary authorizations allowing its seasonal rental, so that HOME LUBERON or the tenants potentials cannot be worried about this.
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The Owner must ensure that the Property is described in a precise, faithful and detailed manner, in order to provide Internet users consulting the sites on which an advertisement will be displayed, a sufficient level of information on the characteristics of the Property and its configuration ( area, distribution, equipment, location ...).
The text of the Advert is formatted by HOME LUBERON so that it complies with the standards of the advertisements of the sites used, on the basis of the information provided by the owner.
This text is sent to the owner for validation before distribution.
The owner is solely responsible for verifying the accuracy of both the content of his advertisement and the location or geographical description of his house.
The owner agrees to promptly notify HOME LUBERON of any error.
It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the requested changes are taken into account on the sites.
The owner may illustrate the advertisement with any photograph or any representation of the Property or the Service, provided that:
. the Good is faithfully represented,
. the photos and representations are free of all rights for the benefit of third parties and that HOME LUBERON is authorized to reproduce and distribute them.
HOME LUBERON is also authorized to make photographs or representations of the Good and the Service on any medium of its choice (video in particular) for illustrative purposes, and is the sole holder of the intellectual property rights on its representations.
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The Owner undertakes to communicate to the Holidaymaker all the technical documentation necessary for the operation of the Property and its equipment (instructions for use, technical specifications, etc.) as well as the inventory of fixtures and the inventory of the furniture. , utensils and equipment.
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HOME LUBERON may refuse any Good or Service that it deems incompatible with the quality level of the real estate and the services presented on the advertisements.
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The owner declares and acknowledges that HOME LUBERON may remove, at any time and without compensation, an advertisement which would contravene the law or regulations as well as these General Conditions of Services or which would be likely to infringe the rights of third parties.
The owner undertakes on his honor not to transmit to HOME LUBERON any false, inaccurate or misleading information and to keep him immediately informed of any modification likely to concern him or to concern the Property to be rented or the Service.
In this context, the owner will be solely responsible for the information he transmitted when creating the advertisement or during subsequent modifications.
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The Owner, a natural person, benefits from insurance taken out on his behalf covering his activity as a non-professional furnished rental company for the goods whose characteristics are described in his contract, with their furniture content rented for a period not exceeding 90 consecutive days.
A copy of the insurance contract must be sent to HOME LUBERON for verification of the cover provided for in the multi-risk contract taken out by the owner and in particular:
- the destruction or deterioration of the insured property caused involuntarily by the tenants or occupants or their proposed.
- the disappearance, the real deterioration of the insured goods resulting from a theft, an attempted theft or an act of vandalism committed inside the declared rented buildings and engaging the liability of the tenant or occupants.
Any claim must be sent by the HOME LUBERON Owner and his insurer immediately and at the latest within 5 working days of the date of the event or of its knowledge. This period is reduced to 2 days in the event of theft.
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Step 1: the reservation request for the property and ancillary services
The Holidaymaker validates his request on one of the sites on which the advertisement is published.
HOME LUBERON contacts him by phone or email to request additional information in order to first verify his identity, profession, contact details and insurance.
HOME LUBERON also clarifies its additional requests or needs for additional services.
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HOME LUBERON communicates the reservation request by SMS or email to the owner with the surnames and first names of the Holidaymakers, the composition of the group, and all relevant information collected during the telephone interview.
HOME LUBERON cannot be held responsible for erroneous information transmitted when requesting a reservation or making contact.
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The Owners must either confirm or refuse the request within 24 hours; otherwise, the request expires automatically.
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Step 2: reservation of the Property and ancillary services
After validation by the Owners, the Holidaymaker receives the acceptance of the reservation, including the rental price, cleaning fees, the price of the services, the reservation fee and the amount of the deposit, by the messaging system of the site used or directly by e-mail.
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In accordance with the conditions defined on the site and on the rental contract, the confirmation of the reservation is conditioned by the validation of the rental contract and by the payment of a first payment by the tenant.
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After the first corresponding payment in general [% rental +% cleaning +% services +% reservation fees], he receives a confirmation of the reservation of the Property accompanied by the contact details of the Owner and the property.
In general, a second payment, in the amount of the balance of [% rental +% cleaning], is due 1 month before the start of the rental.
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Step 3: putting in contact with a Service Provider (s)
According to the wishes of the owners, a Service Provider (s) are required.
For example, a House Manager dedicated to his house is to be appointed by the owners for the season in consultation with HOME LUBERON.
This formula should be favored to facilitate the smooth running of stays for both owners and holidaymakers.
Home Luberon is responsible for informing about upcoming rentals and liaising with these stakeholders who are essential for the smooth running of the rentals.
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Home Luberon can also be asked to search for a Service Provider (s) in order to meet the service needs expressed by owners (swimming pool specialists, gardener, repairs, etc.)
Modular packages of services and formulas are offered such as for example "Research services, connection, supervision of interventions and commitment to continuity of service".
The owner can ask to change the Provider if it does not suit him for a valid reason.
The following reasons can in no way justify the refusal of the Provider by the owner or by the holidaymaker: the age, sex, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation of the Provider.
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HOME LUBERON makes its best efforts to offer another Service Provider able to provide a similar service. He systematically contacts the Service Providers whose contact details are provided.
HOME LUBERON cannot be held responsible for the information transmitted by a Service Provider during the establishment of contact, nor for the proper performance of the Service.
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Within the framework of a prior and contractual agreement, the supervision of service providers can be provided by HOME LUBERON, including in the case of a House Manager appointed by the Owner and remunerated by the latter.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Cancellations have significant consequences for Owners, Service Providers and Vacationers.
Cancellations must be notified according to the conditions previously validated with the Owner. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
1. Cancellation by the Holidaymaker
Depending on the broadcast sites selected, reservations of a Property canceled by the Holidaymaker are subject to specific conditions potentially changing over time. The principle that HOME LUBERON sets on platform sites follows one of the following logic:
- more than 30 days before the start date of the stay: the sums already paid are refunded to the Holidaymaker after deduction of the Booking Fee, and do not give rise to any payment to the Owner.
- between 30 and 14 days before the start date of the stay: the sums already paid are reimbursed to the Holidaymaker up to 50% after deduction of the Booking Fee.
The Owner is credited with 50% of the rental less the Homeluberon.com commission of 10% of the price of the canceled rental.
- less than 14 days before the start date of the stay: no refund is due to the Holidaymaker. The owner is credited with 100% of the Rental and Housekeeping, less the HOME LUBERON Commission.
No other compensation can be requested from HOME LUBERON, whatever the conditions and the reasons for cancellation.
2. Cancellation by the Owner
Reservations of a Property canceled by the Owner less than 30 days before the start of the stay will be subject to the conditions specific to the sites on which the Property has been offered and give rise to a lump sum by Homeluberon.com of 10% of the price of rental canceled.
Vacationers are fully reimbursed for the sums paid.
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HOME LUBERON does not collect any payment but checks that the conditions defined on the site used by holidaymakers such as the deposit on the rental price, service charges, from the Holidaymaker, the balance of the rental price and cleaning costs , as well as the deposit, are taken 30 days before the start date of the reserved stay, except for reservations accepted less than 30 days before the arrival of holidaymakers.
Home LUBERON communicates to the owner the direct payment of the Holidaymaker by transfer to the Owner's account after the arrival of the holidaymakers according to the conditions specific to the sites used. In general, funds (rental price and cleaning costs deducted from service charges) are credited to the bank account between 5 and 7 working days.
HOME LUBERON cannot be held responsible for connection problems to the site, declaring that it has put in place the technical means necessary to put the site online.
HOME LUBERON cannot be held responsible for connection problems, virus contamination, phishing, data theft, or any other maneuver of which the User may be the object by third parties.
The User will take care to keep confidential his login details to the site (personal account) and will be solely responsible in the event of loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use.
HOME LUBERON can in no case be held responsible for any interruption of access to the site or abnormal use by third parties. HOME LUBERON is subject, in its capacity as host, to a reduced liability regime provided for in Articles 6.I.2. and following of the law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy.
The hypertext links set up within the framework of this site to other resources on the Internet are clearly identified. HOME LUBERON declines all responsibility for the content and practices of these sites. Users and visitors of the website may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorization of HOME LUBERON.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
HOME LUBERON is responsible for processing data collected on the Site.
The user is in particular informed that in accordance with article 32 of the Data-processing law and freedoms of January 6, 1978 modified, the information which he communicates by the forms present on the Platform are necessary to answer his request and are intended for the services. in charge of responding to his request for the purpose of following up on this request.
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In accordance with the provisions of articles 39 and 40 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the user has the right to access, rectify, update and delete information which concern him, which he can exercise by sending an email to contacthomeluberon.com, specifying in the subject line “People's rights” and attaching a copy of his proof of identity.
You also have the right to give instructions on the fate of your data after your death.
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In accordance with the provisions of article 38 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the user can also oppose, for legitimate reasons, that his data are subject to processing. and without reason and without charge, that its data be used for commercial prospecting purposes.
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The user is informed that during his visits to the site www. homeluberon.com, a cookie can be automatically installed on its browser software. The information collected on this site will be kept for a period of three years.
The cookie is a block of data which does not allow users to be identified but is used to record information relating to their browsing on the site.
The configuration of the navigation software makes it possible to inform of the presence of a cookie and possibly to refuse it in the manner described at the following address www.cnil.fr. The user has the right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated by means of cookies under the conditions indicated above.
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The user of the platform is required to comply with the provisions of the amended Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, with regard to the nominative information to which he has access, he must refrain from any collection, any misuse, and in general, any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of persons. .
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The Holidaymaker is prohibited from reproducing, even partially, modifying or even distributing the site and its elements, whatever the mode, medium or form. Any reproduction, representation, publication, transmission, use, modification or extraction of all or part of the site and its elements, made without the prior written authorization of HOME LUBERON, is illegal and exposes its author to prosecution. The site as well as the HOME LUBERON brand are protected, any total or partial reproduction of these brands and / or logos without the prior written authorization of HOME LUBERON is strictly prohibited.
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The website www. Homeluberon.com aims to put consumers in touch with, on the one hand, owners, and on the other hand providers, professionals or consumers, for the realization of services and activities related to the management of properties, to the service to the person and real estate.
The site is published by HOME LUBERON SASU, registered in the Avignon trade and companies register under number 890 196 991
The company is the holder of the professional card n ° CPI 8401 2020 000 045 205 issued by the CCI of Vaucluse allowing the exercise of the activity of Transactions on buildings / goodwill and real estate management.
Headquarters: Plateau des Claparèdes, 3788 RD 232, 84400 Saignon
Phone 06 08 87 13 89
The Site's Publication Director is Mr. Guillaume CHARPENTIER.
For any questions, you can send us your questions by email to contact@homeluberon.com
Access to the site, its consultation and its use are subject to the unreserved acceptance of the General Conditions of Service. The site is edited by HOME LUBERON.
HOME LUBERON invites its users to connect to the following links
- on www.impots.gouv.fr, concerning tax obligations,
- on www.securite-sociale.fr, concerning social obligations,
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
HOME LUBERON is free to modify these General Conditions of Use, if it sees fit. The User is invited to regularly consult these general conditions of service in order to be aware of any changes made.
These general conditions of use are subject to French law.