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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The website www. Homeluberon.com aims to put consumer customers in touch with owners on the one hand, and service providers, professionals or consumers on the other hand, for the realization of services and activities related to the management of properties, to the service to the person and real estate.
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The site is published by HOME LUBERON SASU, registered in the Avignon trade and companies register under number 890 196 991
The company is the holder of the professional card n ° CPI 8401 2020 000 045 205 issued by the CCI of Vaucluse allowing the exercise of the activity of Transactions on buildings / goodwill and real estate management.
Headquarters: Plateau des Claparedes, 3788 RD 232, 84400 Saignon
Phone 06 08 87 13 89
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The Site's Publication Director is Mr. Guillaume CHARPENTIER.
For any questions, you can send us your questions by email to contact@homeluberon.com
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HOME LUBERON is responsible for the publication, ensures the animation, the updating of the site and holds the property of the royalties.
( https://fr.wix.com/about/terms-of-use ; & 3)
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The Site is hosted in "SaaS" mode by the publisher WIX.
Wix.com Inc., 500 Terry Francois Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94158 USA.
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Access to the site, its consultation and its use are subject to the unreserved acceptance of the General Conditions of Service.
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HOME LUBERON invites its users to connect to the following links
- on www.impots.gouv.fr, concerning tax obligations, https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/node/10841
- on www.securite-sociale.fr, concerning social obligations, http://www.securite-sociale.fr/Vosdroits-et-demarches-dans-le-cadre-des-activites-economic-entre-particuliers-Article -87
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
HOME LUBERON is free to modify these General Conditions of Use, if it sees fit. The User is invited to regularly consult these general conditions of service in order to be aware of any changes made.
These general conditions of use are subject to French law.
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