Gestion professionnelle des Locations Saisonnières
Gestion de vos locations saisonnières de bout en bout.
La société est titulaire de la carte professionnelle n° CPI 8401 2020 000 045 205 délivré par la CCI du Vaucluse permettant l'exercice de l'activité de Gestion immobilière.
En relation avec les propriétaires, nous valorisons la location de leur bien et étudions l’optimisation des revenus locatifs.
Nous veillons à ce que chaque maison soit accueillante et adaptée à la location saisonnière, tout en gardant sa personnalité.
L’offre de location s’est fortement développée et les vacanciers demandent de plus en plus de services (linge, courses, réservations…), bien entendu nous en tenons compte !

A full management of your seasonal rentals.
In relation with the owners, we improve the rental of their property and study the optimization of rental income.
We make sure that each house is welcoming and suitable for seasonal rentals, while keeping its authenticity.
The rental offer has developed strongly overtime and vacationers are asking for more and more services : linen, shopping, booking... we take this into account!
Our services:
Creation of your ads for your seasonal rentals
Daily management of the ads and the information inquiries, optimization of reservations, schedule management, management of reviews, promotion of your ad / property for rent ....
Tax return, monitoring of rental income, reporting...
Tenant Management
Rental deposit, Check-in / Check-out, Incoming and departing inventory of fixtures, Evaluation of the level of satisfaction
Assisting your tenants during their stay
End-of-stay cleaning
Management of household linen between two rentals
Management of occasional incidents
Identification of breakdowns/problems and initiation of intervention by the qualified and referenced service provider
Validation of the intervention estimates to the owners
Commercial incident management, Security, Supervision
Finally, we also offer you a range of additional services just for your tenants.